In “A” case (see above), the following information is
saved: estimated capacity, calibration coefficient (for current
test), battery voltage, group name and number inside group.
In “B” case, the appropriate message is saved instead
of estimated capacity.
If there are 200 test results saved in memory, a mes-
sage “memory full” is displayed. After this message, saving is
impossible. During next test, the number of free cells in mem-
ory in the right bottom corner of the screen is “0”. User should
clean all memory in order to start saving test results again.
5.3. Main menu
After the battery capacity was estimated or alarm
message shown, the user can come into the main menu by
pressing the upper button.
If “save by default” mode is on user will be advised to
erase just received test result. The user can agree (and the
result will be erased) or disagree (and the result will be kept in
memory) before entering menu.
Main menu has four items. The view of main menu is
shown on figure 4.
Pressing lower button brings cursor to next line.
Pressing upper button enters the menu item specified by cur-
First three menu items serve for memory operations,
the last one – for device adjustment.