ALC – Auto Level Control
An autoleveler will allow users to dynamically change the
level of an input or output signal to match a predefined level
set by the user� The autolevel function can be activated for
each individual mix in the matrix pages� The settings for
these autolevelers can be found within this ALC menu�
In Target:
The target level setting allows users to select
the desired signal level for their autoleveler� All signals that
are processed by the autoleveler will essentially aim for the
target level�
Below Target:
The below target threshold of the autoleveler
is the point at which the autoleveler will kick in� Signals
below the threshold will not be affected, but signals above
will be have their gain increased�
The ratio is the input level change in decibels to the
output level change in decibels�
Increase Gain:
The increase gain determines the amount that the signal can be increased to meet the target level� This
helps prevent sudden, alarming changes in audio level�
Decrease Gain:
The decrease gain works the same as the decrease gain, but in reverse� It determines the amount a signal
can be cut�
Hold Time:
This determines the time the ALC will remain engaged after the signal falls back below the determined threshold�
This menu allows compressors and limiters to be applied
to the channel output
Limiter Threshold:
This control determines the threshold
for the limiter function� This means that no signal will
surpass the selected threshold, being ‘compressed’ at a
ratio of infinity:1.
Compressor Threshold:
Use this control to set the
threshold of the compressor function� Any signals that
surpass the selected threshold will be compressed at the
selected ratio�
Compressor Ratio
: This control can be used to set
the ratio for the compressor� The ratio is expressed as
Compressor Attack:
This control adjusts the attack time of the compressor, essentially determining the time taken for the
compressor to kick in after it passes the selected threshold�
Compressor Release
: The release control determines the time the DMP801 will wait before disengaging the compressor
when the signal bypasses the selected threshold�
Side Chain HPF:
This allows users to set a high pass filter on these channels to essentially help rid these channels of low-
frequency noise�