Condensing Models: On-Demand Water Heater Service Handbook • 63
Install each connector to
the solenoid valve with
the matching number.
The proportional valve
does not have a number
and is located at the
bottom of the assembly.
It has a red and a white
Slide the gas valve/manifold
plate onto the gas inlet
connec on. You may need
to rotate the gas valve while
sliding it down for an easier
t. The tab on the gas valve
connec on should line up
behind the tab on the gas
inlet connec on.
Secure the gas valve to
the gas inlet by installing a
screw through both tabs at
the connec on (hand- ght
only). See Figure 24 on page
A ach the air tube from the
bo om of the combus on
chamber to the port on the
le side of the gas valve
(Figure 80).
Secure the power cord to
the gas valve as shown in
Figure 24 on page 35.
(See the “Power Cord
Moun ng Tab” callout.)
Hand-tighten only.
Use the mounting tab
and the M4X10 screw.
The mounting hole is
located on the left side
of the gas valve.
Line up the manifold plate with
the holes on the burner and
combus on box. Insert and
hand ghten the top center
screw on the manifold plate.
(See “Manifold Plate,” page
Hand ghten the remaining
manifold plate screws.
not overtighten.
10. Install the igniter assembly (item
709, p. 69) to the lower, right-
hand corner of the manifold plate.
10.1 Insert the screw and hand
ghten it.
10.2 Slide the black igniter wire
onto the igniter rod.
11. Install the fuse box. (See items 703 &
120, page 68. See also ).
12. Hook up the freeze protec on
heater wiring:
12.2.1 At the top of the fuse box
loca on, connect two plugs
and receptacles as described
in Figure 81.
NOTE: All connectors with
yellow wires are connected
to the same circuit, so the
order in which you connect
them does not ma er.
12.2.2 Below the fuse box loca on,
connect three plugs and
receptacles as shown in
Figure 82.
Fuse Box
Plugs (2)
(Yellow Wires)
(Yellow Wires)
Install Plugs into Receptacles
Figure 81.
Figure 82.
Below the fuse box location,
connect plugs to receptacles.
Three pair:
white with yellow wires.
Gas Valve
Air Tube
Figure 80.