All A.J.S. Camshaft Engines have dry sump lubrication. Oil is fed to Big End of
the Engine and the Rocker Box by the main pump on the Timing Chain Cover. This Pump
also draws oil from the Sump and returns it to the filter in the Oil Tank, an illustration of
which is given below, although this is for another model. By removing the plated hexagon
plug in the top of the Oil Tank it is possible to withdraw the filter for the purpose of cleaning.
To do this immerse the filter in clean Petrol but always make sure that it is thoroughly dried
out before replacing. The filter should be cleaned every 500/1.000 miles. We recommend
that all the oil is drained from the Oil Tank every 4/5,000 miles and the tank replenished with
fresh oil. It is necessary to top up the oil level in the Tank from time to time, and obviously
it is most economical to drain the Tank when the oil is at its lowest recommended level. The
correct Oil level in the Oil Tank being almost up to the end of the return pipe—do not overfill,
otherwise oil will leak from the filler cap—and never let the level fall below the Tank being
half full. We recommend the use of Castrol " R " for Racing purposes and Castrol X.L. for
general and competition purposes.
A small adjustable oil pump is fitted at the top of the Timing Chain Cover: the purpose
of this is to drain the oil from the sump of the Rocker Box and return it to the crankcase sump,
To increase the suction on this, unscrew the lock-nut on the adjuster and turn the
adjuster with a screw-driver in an anti-clockwise direction, and to decrease the suction
vice versa. After making- the adjustment always tighten the locknut. This Pump is correctly
set before the machine leaves the Factory and should seldom if ever need adjustment.