Managing the Radio | 139
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase
The SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase can be changed via the SNMPv3 secure management protocol
interface (not via SuperVisor).
When viewing / managing the details of the users via SNMPv3, the standard SNMP-USER-BASED-SM-MIB
interface is used. This interface can be used to change the SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase of the users.
The SNMPv3 Authentication Passphrase of a user required to be changed cannot be changed by the same
user i.e. a different user must be used for the transactions.
To change a user authentication passphrase:
1. SET the usmUserStatus object for that user to ‘Not In Service’
2. GET the usmUserSpinLock object
3. SET the usmUserSpinLock object with the value from the GET in the previous step
4. SET the usmUserAuthKeyChange to the new Authentication key string
5. SET the usmUserPrivKeyChange to the new Privacy key string
6. SET the usmUserStatus object for that user to ‘Active’
Note that the key string for steps 4 and 5 are 32 octet hexadecimal values. This string is generated based
on the ‘old passphrase’ and ‘new passphrase’ as specified in RFC2274.
Utilities to generate these strings are available from NET-SNMP providers.
An example command to generate a new Authentication key string for the default desUserMD5 is:
encode_keychange –t md5 –O “desUserMD5” –N “desUserMD5Auth” –E 0x10226A
An example command to generate a new Privacy key string for the default desUserMD5 is:
encode_keychange –t md5 –O “desUserMD5” –N “desUserMD5Priv” –E 0x10226A
These command executions will return a 32 Octet Hexadecimal string that can be used in steps 4 and 5