Managing the Radio | 137
Aprisa SRx User Manual 1.3.0
The Key Encryption Key provides the ability to encrypt the Payload Encryption Key so it can be safely
transmitted over the radio link to remote radios.
The Key Encryption Key Type, Key Encryption Key Size and Key Encryption Key must be the same on all
radios in the network.
Key Encryption Key Type
This parameter sets the Payload Encryption Key Type:
Pass Phrase
Use the Pass Phrase password format for standard security.
Raw Hexidecimal
Use the Raw Hexidecimal password format for better
security. It must comply with the specified encryption key
e.g. if Encryption Type to AES128, the encryption key must
be 16 bytes (32 chars)
The default setting is Pass Phrase.
Key Encryption Key Size
This parameter sets the Encryption Type to AES128, AES192 or AES256. The default setting is AES128.
The higher the encryption type the better the security.
Key Encryption Key
This parameter sets the Key Encryption password. This is used to encrypt the payload encryption key.
USB Transaction Status
This parameter shows if a USB flash drive is plugged into the radio host port
USB Storage Disconnected A USB flash drive is not plugged into the radio host port.
USB Storage Connected
A USB flash drive is plugged into the radio host port.
These buttons are grayed out if a USB flash drive is not plugged into the radio host port
The ‘Load From USB’ button loads the Key Encryption Key Settings from the USB flash drive.
The ‘Copy To USB’ button copies the Key Encryption Key Settings to the USB flash drive.