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E-Class NVR
Troubleshooting and Precautions
Failed Drive Alarm (Audible)
1. When a hard drive fails, the NVR will issue an sound alarm. Replacing the failed drive will silence
the alarm after RAID rebuild completes. (The alarm can be manually disabled in the LSI WebBIOS)
2. If an alarm sounds during bootup confirm there is a flashing red light on the drive slot. If no flash
red light exists confirm cable connecting hard drive to backplane are secure.
Hard drive cannot be identified or video file will not record
1. If the video will not record, please verify the brand and model is listed on the “NVR E Class 3.5
HDD compatibility list. (
Note: 3S Vision is not responsible for hard drive performance. Please contact HDD manufacturer to
resolve issues with HDD performance.
2. If the video still will not record, please provide the following information.
2-1. Networking environment
2-2. Hard drive brand and model (Listed on HDD label)
Please follow instructions to complete the RAID configuration settings. Please refer to How to
Create a RAID Group in LSI WEB BIOS
No Power
1. If the E-Class NVR cannot be powered on, please confirm whether there is a light on the power
supply and provide this information back to the 3S technical support.
2. Confirm the power cord meets CE, UL, BSI safety regulations and the power cables are securely
plugged into the power supplies.
If the NVR still has no power after these steps, provide the following information to 3S Vision
technical support.
E-Class NVR serial number, order date, HDRC version, and offline/registration code.