User Manual
Stop bits (bits)
The last of the data package
Max frame space(bytes)
The length of frame from
serial data to Ethernet data.
Character delay(ms)
The time space from serial
data to Ethernet data
Enter into the switch WEB interface, knock [Serial Server/COM settings]; please choice necessary
configuration in drop down list, the serial configuration interface is as follows:
(Figure 5.5.1)
Configuration option: [Baud rate], [Parity], [Data Bits], [Stop Bits], [Max Frame Space], [Character Delay]
and [COM mode], the explaining is as follows:
[Baud rate]
It is a parameter to check the communication speed. It shows to transfer how many bits in 1 second.
For example, 300 baud rate means have 300 bits transferred in 1 second.
Parity bits: It is a simple method to checkout fault in serial communication, have 4 types: Even, Odd,
Mark, Space
[Data Bits]
It is a parameter to check the actual data bits in communication.
When PC send a Packet, actual data is not 8 bits, the standard is 5, 6, 7, 8.
[Stop Bits]
The last bit of the single Packet. Typical value is 1, 1.5 and 2 bit.
When a data bit is 5, stop bit 1.5 and 1 option. When a data bit is 6, 7, 8, stop bit 1 and 2 option.
[Max frame space]
The frame length that serial interface data convert into Ethernet data, within the range of setting time,
it forward when data is equal to or longer than the setting frames.
Available setting value ranged from1 to 1460.
[Character Delay]
The wait time when serial interface send data do not 1 data frames. If up to this time and do not
have data, then send automatic. Can configure 1-500.
[COM mode]