#7 – Temperature readout is high (378°C) even if nozzle is cold
Defective thermocouple
Replace heater assembly
Bad connector
Replace heater assembly
#8 – Printed part has “falling” sides (molten)
Problem with part cooling fan
Check fan connection, see If there is anything trapped inside fan.
If needed, change fan.
Print speed is too low
Increase print speed
Extrusion temperature is too high
Decrease extrusion temperatures
#9 – Can't find files on SD card
Printer hasn't been initialized for SD reading
Use INIT SD CARD or CHANGE SD CARD options from LCD panel
Defective SD card
Replace SD card
#10 – Printed part looks squashed / print plate (Z) movement is jerky
Motherboard cooling fan is dead
Replace fan
Connector of one of z stepper is faulty or unplugged
Restore connection or change cable
Stepper / Gearbox is faulty
Replace it
#11 – Printed part looks shifted
See #10
Wrong Z nozzle leveling
Do Z nozzle leveling
#12 – No USB connection, LCD is not lit
The LED lights inside printer are on
Motherboard problem – probably a short on a fan or on an extruder
The LED lights inside the printer are off
Problem with main 24v power: get in touch with tech support
Tripped 220V fuse: get in touch with tech support