Print removal
When printing process is completed, remove the printing tray and let it cool down.
Once printed part is at room temperature, it will be easier to remove from the tray.
On thick parts, without fragile zones, hitting the part sideways will pop off the part from the tray.
Be very careful when using blades or other sharp tools: you risk damage to part, tray protective film, and even the tray
surface !
Each time you remove a print, check the integrity of the protective film and/or airspray (or any other adhesion agent) and
replace/refresh if needed.
Nozzle change
The procedure is really easy.
1. Be sure that extruder, bed and heated chamber (if present) are all turned off and at room temperature
2. Lower the printing bed (Z axis) to gain access to the printhead
3. Using a 7mm spanner remove the nozzle, holding the heater with your fingers
4. Screw in a new extruder, making sure that cables are correctly routed
5. Check nozzle Z alignment. If needed perform a new Z calibration