4. Common Procedures
4.1 Bluetooth Pairing:
Reference section 4.3 from the Instructions for Use document for detailed instructions.
1. Ensure that the carabiner on the SRL is not “sleeping” by twisting the carabiner gate 1-2 times to wake it up.
2. Push and hold the large button (~2 seconds) on the side of the Connected Sensor box until the LED lights display
a blue wave pattern.
3. Twist the carabiner gate 5-6 times quickly.
4. The LED lights will display a brief green wave pattern to confirm successful pairing.
5. System is paired.
4.2 Carabiner Battery Replacement:
Reference section 4.6 from the Instructions for Use document for detailed instructions.
1. Indications that the coin cell battery in the carabiners needs to be replaced are:
a. The LED lights will be red with yellow tips on the ends.
b. The small, diagnostic LED on the carabiner itself will blink red once every three seconds.
2. Open the battery cover (using a flat edge if needed) and flip open the black plastic cover to reveal the
battery and battery holder.
3. Carefully insert a flat edge under the battery and pry it out of the holder, being careful to press down on
the tabs of the holder in order to prevent tearing the holder off the circuit board.
4. Replace with new battery (ensure battery has identification side facing up).
5. Carabiner is powered when LED turns on.
6. Close battery cover (use a flat edge to press one or both tabs inwards on door to assist with closing).
4.3 System Verification Check for Connected Features:
1. Step onto platform and confirm LED lights are fully red.
2. If lights are not fully red and instead are red with blue tips at ends, twist carabiner gate to wake up carabiner.
If lights do not go fully red, do Bluetooth pairing procedure found in 4.1 prior to moving to step 3.
3. Step off platform and confirm lights go off.
4. Step back on platform and confirm lights go on and are fully red.
5. Tie off carabiner to metal D-ring and confirm lights flash green then go off.
6. Remove D-ring from carabiner and confirm lights go red.