Demonstration #8 Measuring a Charge on an Object Using the
Remote Field Sensor Probe
Hold the conductive container (h) in one hand and rub the handle against the sleeve of your shirt or pants to
accumulate a charge on the handle. Hold the remote field sensor probe in front of the handle at the distance
selected on the 3M
Charge Analyzer 711 and observe the voltage.
8. Data Recording & Analog Outputs
The charge analyzer 711 has two outputs (analog for a y(t) recorder & digital for a serial PC-COM interface)
located at the rear of the unit.
Recorder requirements: Internal resistance (R
) greater than 1000 ohms.
Connect recorder to the red and black banana jacks at the rear of the analyzer using banana plug style wires.
PC Requirements for Data Recording of Static Decay Measurements:
486-Processor, VGA-Monitor, 3.5” Floppy Disk Drive, System Software DOS 5.0 or Windows
3.1 minimum,
RS 232-Bus (COM 1 - 4).
Connect the output socket by means of the enclosed interface cable to the RS 232-Bus of the PC. Activate the
enclosed software in the floppy disk drive by using the command “a:\>” (for example). Then type “711” to start
the software in the appropriate language and follow the program instructions. See help files (Text Documents
help1.txt, help2.txt, and help3.txt) located in folder 711_v3e for measurement information.