13.23 Lay at least 1 1/2 loops of fiber from the first buffer tube of the
second cable on the tray with the fiber ends crossing the back
"CUT HERE" mark.
13.24 Now cut the fiber ends at the mark. Be sure to cut ONLY the fiber
13.25 Remove the cut fibers from the tray, but leave the buffer tube
13.26 For remaining buffer tubes, repeat steps 13.15 through 13.25.
13.27 Store the first two fibers to be spliced under the tray tabs.
13.28 Remove the minimum length of fiber required to prepare and split
the fibers.
13.29 Place the splicing tool in close proximity to the splice tray.
Prepare and splice the first pair of fibers.
If fusion splicing method is used, insert the fusion adapter
(2524-F packed with 2524-FT) into splice tray.