After you have completed all of your radio setup, take the model outside and install your propeller. Test
run your power system in a safe manner. Recommended power level for the Extra is 350-440 watts.
NOTE: Small brushless motors typically have aluminum prop adaptors with aluminum screws threads.
These threads are easily stripped or broken.
DO NOT apply too much torque when tightening your
A wrench is not necessary, it applies too much torque. We prefer a nut-driver or pliers.
Be sure to check the motor manufacturer’s recommendations for help in selecting a prop. Good props for
the 47” Extra are 12x6 APC E and 13x6.5 APC E.
Recommended Equipment for the 47” Extra:
Motor Omega 103g1030KV
ESC Hacker X-55 SBEC
Spinner 40mm or 1.75” electric
Servo Hitec HS-65MG
Extensions 2 x 12” 3 x 6”
Battery 3S 2200-2650mah 25C lipo
Special note about servo arms:
3DHS manufactures longer servo arms for the Hitec HS-65 servo. Some transmitter setups require
longer servo arms to achieve full 3D throw.