TMA Grand Master 2.0 – User’s Guide
Terms and abbreviations
Terms and abbreviations
Digital slide / Slide
Slide digitized with a scanner microscope, for example Pannoramic SCAN. Consists of an
MRXS file and a folder with the same name as the MRXS file.
Donor block
The donor block is a standard tissue block that may be from surgical pathology, autopsy,
or research material.
Recipient block
The tissue cores are removed from the donor and inserted into a “recipient” paraffin
Clone Block
A duplicate (triplicate, quadruplicate, etc.) of a recipient block with identical layout and
core order.
Tissue microarrays – The tissue microarray consists of an array of cylindrical cores of
paraffin-embedded tissue that are removed from preexisting “donor” paraffin blocks.
Polymerase Chain Reaction, a biochemical technology used for a variety of applications,
but the primary aim of the method is to exponentially amplify particular DNA sequences.
November 5, 2013 – Rev. 1