Pannoramic MIDI 1.18.1 User’s Guide
1 Product Description
Stingray F146C IRF Medical camera
1 CCD camera for normal brightfield application
and entry level fluorescent applications.
Camera adapters
0.63× adapter
1× adapter
1.6× adapter
The installation of the cameras in Pannoramic MIDI must be carried out
by trained professionals!
In any other case the warranty will be automatically voided. The
supplier or distributor is not liable for any damages caused by an
installation carried out by an unauthorized person.
Base Unit options
Pannoramic MIDI Basic Scan Option / Fast Option – base unit equipped with Stingray
or CIS
cameras for Brightfield scanning (no fluorescent accessories included)
Pannoramic MIDI Basic Fluorescence Option – base unit completely equipped with AxioCam
camera and HXP 120 illumination unit, trigger cable and filters for fluorescence scanning
Pannoramic MIDI Advanced Fluorescence Option – base unit completely equipped with
pco.edge 4.2 camera and Lumencor fluorescence illumination unit, trigger cable and filters
for fluorescence scanning
May 29, 2014 - Rev. 1