Visiondome HD Installation Manual V2.1.29
Page 17
© 360 Vision Technology Ltd.
• Sun Shield - Feature not available.
• Auto Flip - Use this option to set how the camera behaves when full tilt down is reached.
Tilt - Requires a second tilt down command, when at full tilt down to spin camera 180°.
Limit - Automatically spins the camera 180° when full tilt down is reached.
• Attack Detect - Feature not available.
Upright Mount - Can be used to flip the image, so the camera can be used on a pole or a ceiling.
Default is ceiling.
Power on Park - When the camera powers up, it will go to a preset position. Preset 150. Default is off.
• Pan/Tilt Speed - Can be used to set the pan/tilt speed. Options are Normal, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%
Slower, 20%, 40%, 60% or 80% Faster. Default is normal.
• Status Refresh Rate - Can be used to help speed up telemetry control of the camera, by slowing
down the refresh rate.
• Static PTZ Mode - Disables all PTZ functions.
• Power Saving - Reduces power to to the motors while the unit is static. Full power returns when the
unit receives a PTZ command.
Lighting (Visiondome-HD Feature not available)
• White Lamps - Set if white lights are to be used.
• White Timer - Set white light timer.
• Exclusion Zones- Option to be used if a white light exclusion area is to be used, set area using
presets 151 (left) & 152 (right), IR light exclusion area is required, set area using presets 153 (left) &
154 (right) or white & IR light exclusion zone.
• Auto Dimming - When selected the camera will reduce the lamp power, when looking in scenes
where there is to much light.
to program the new settings into the Visiondome-HD.
to abandon the changes to the camera settings.