Copyright 2Touch Technologies Limited 2007-2008. All rights reserved.
Registering your 2Touch Interactive Whiteboard
2Touch Certified Installers are required to record the following details for
every installation, into the secure 2Touch Tracker on-line product database:
Serial number of board
Customer details
Location of board
Screen capture of camera scope from USB Settings
Saved .v299 board configuration file after install.
If your board is not being installed by a 2Touch Certified Installer, then as a
minimum please register your 2Touch device by advising the following to
Serial number (identified from USBSettings software, or advised by
your Dealer)
Location of board (room & building details)
Organisation name, Contact name, Telephone and Email
Dealer from which you purchased the 2Touch IWB
The above information is essential to activate your copy of the
bundled software.