2N® SIP Mic User Manual
Step 2: Button Setting
Configure multicast announcing for a button. Go to the Buttons menu to display the button and
logic input list. Choose one of the 12 system buttons, press the switch to activate it and click the
pencil symbol. The following dialogue window opens up:
Enter a button name into the Name field. The description will be displayed in the menu. Go to
Action and select Announce to zone. The menu will change according to the action selected.
Select a zone in Action settings. Always choose the first zone even it lacks description. Enable
Announcement before/after voice message if necessary. Select Microphone as the Audio source.
Click Change to save the settings.
Step 3: Zone Setting
To execute the action via the set button, set the zone to be announced in the Zones menu. There
is a list of 12 zones in the menu. Activate zone 1, which you selected while setting the button.
Click Edit to open the following dialogue:
Change DHCP server status
Upon the system start, press the Call hangup button to read the IP address or change the
DHCP state.
Press the button five times to read the set IP address.
Press the button ten times to switch DHCP ON/OFF.
When you have pressed the button five times, the button turns blue/green to indicate
the DCHP setting.
Green – DHCP ON