2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
Call Termination Options – Summary
The busy or continuous tone *) after the call end.
The ringing tone *) after a predefined count of rings.
The subscriber 'at the other end' pressed
The preset maximum call duration has elapsed.
30 seconds after the switch use has elapsed.
An intercom button was pressed during the call.
keypad button was pressed during the call (can be disabled).
*) The intercom is able to detect a permanent tone, busy tone and ringing tone even if
the tone has two frequency components as in the UK, the U.S.A. (the so-called BTT
tone) and in Canada. This new function does not require setting of any parameter. One
of the tone components must be of 440 Hz.
Code Lock
The electronic lock connected to intercom can not only be activated by the phone but
also directly from the door using the keypad. In this mode, the keypad behaves like a
standard code lock with the following features:
Both switches can be controlled (if 2 connected)
Password length – 1 to 16 digits;
Up to 10 passwords per switch;
Switch activation time – 1 to 9 seconds;
Acoustic switch activation signalling – continuous tone.
The code lock uses the same passwords as the ones that have been defined for the
telephone based switch control. Remember that the default passwords (
for switch
1 and for switch 2) cannot be entered from the numerical keypad because they are
notoriously known.
Enter the correct password and
. If the password is valid, a long tone is
transmitted for a predefined time (5seconds by default). The corresponding switch is
activated during this time. If the password is invalid, intercom sends a refusal signal.