2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
3.2.7 Port Forwarding
The table on the Port forwarding tab includes the allowed accesses from the Internet
to devices connected LAN ports and DSL lines.
Protocol – TCP or UDP.
Port – port number (0 to 65535).
Target IP – internal IP address of a device on a LAN port or DSL line.
Target port – required port of a device on a LAN port or DSL line.
Interface – for selected connection (MN, WAN, LAN, VPN) or any.
Source IP – for a remote device with this IP address, or with any address if the
parameter is empty.
Description – user definable field for a port forwarding description.
3.2.8 Events
The Events tab helps you set sending of information SMS or HTTP commands for
events that occurred.
2N LiftGate
allows you to send messages on events occurred on a device either via
SMS by completing the phone number to which the information is to be sent or using
HTTP commands by completing the HTTP URL address.
In case no event parameters have been selected, no SMS or HTTP commands will be
generated. Select the SMS / HTTP command delay parameter first to set a value.
The device sends the SMS and HTTP commands to all the numbers completed at the
URL address in the SMS and HTTP destination table. Complete the SMS text to be sent
in the above mentioned SMS table too.
Identification – string to be added to the text for all events.