2N TELEKOMUNIKACE a.s., www.2n.cz
LED Indicators
Indicates the states
of connected cabin
switches 3, 4.
Blue, slow flashing – voltage OK, disconnected (no consumption)
Red – source warning (overconsumption, current > 750 mA)
Red, fast flashing – voltage error (consumed current > 1050 mA,
overload or short-circuit)
No light signaling – the cabin switch is unavailable, the device is
supported by 2 cabin switches only
NOTE: device version with 2-cabin switch support (2xCS) on positions 1
and 2. The 4-cabin switch support device version (4xCS) supports all the
4 positions.
Flashing Frequencies
Slow flashing
Flashes 1:1, interval 1 s = 0.5 s light on (ON) + 0.5 s no light (OFF)
Fast flashing
Flashes 1:1, interval 0.2 s = 0.1 s light on (ON) + 0.1 s no light (OFF)
Short flashing
Interval 4 s = 0.2 s light on (ON) + 3.8 s no light (OFF)