Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
CG adjustment
Due to the short levers, the CG on flying wings requires to be balanced more accurately than on
regular planes. Please take your time and also plan for a few trim flights to get the CG perfectly right.
You will get rewarded with perfect flight performance.
You may use an accurate digital CG scale as well, these instructions show a manual way to adjust CG
Apply tape approx. at 87mm as seen on the
picture. Align with the tail boom and mark
7mm(+-0.5mm) from the nose
Draw line perpendicular to centerline.
Balance the finished model e.g. on caliper tips
upside down.
Use trim weights until the model is balanced
perfectly horizontal.
All trim weight need to be
sticked/glued/secured inside the model to
avoid CG changes due to hard landings or high
accelerations during bungee launch.
Final CG shall be achieved during trim flights.
Remove weight from the front in 5g steps until
flying gets more nervous on the elevator and it
gets harder to fly a straight line. Add 5-10g to
the nose again and you are done.