Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Servo installation
Please do not use alumium servo horns. These
will develop slop over time.
Cut and drill (1.5mm) servo horns according to
Put servo to neutral position and apply horn
with approx. 20° tilt towards flap.
need to be cut out to allow required
Put the servos to the planned positions and cut
linkages to the appropriate length. Servos need
to be slid in from center opening.
Treat servo surfaces with release agent an
install them to the servo frames.
Roughen and clean servo frame and wing gluing
areas. Apply gluing epoxy to all gluing surfaces.
Install linkages and secure servos in positions
by tape or weights.
Secure clevises by glue or soldering to the
linkage rods. This will reduce slop significantly.