Martin Stobbe
Am Kuchelberg 2
82266 Inning am Ammersee
Build phase: final steps
Cut outs for antennas may be drilled (2mm)
approx 20mm from trailing edge.
Start drilling perpendicular to surface, then tilt
the drill. Use a round file or manually drill a 6-
8mm hole in the center. Route the antennas
using a thin wire
Tail boom and tail may be installed with 4-5
tight wraps with Tesa Kristall (clear tape).
During hard landings, this allows the tail to
rotate and prevents damage.
The carbon sheet is laminated in a mold. Please
use the designated positions of the openings to
get perfectly rounded hatches following the
original surface.
RC and servo openings may be copied to tape
with a pencil. Cut out the template with
scissors and apply to the carbon sheet.
Cut out the hatches with scissors and sand the
edges to fit.
Apply openings by Dremel for the slightly
excessing servo horns.
Apply hatches with silicone or clear tape.