2. Make sure the client is configured with exact IP setting or get a valid IP address
from DHCP server. You can go to a DOS prompt and type: ipconfig and press Enter
to verify this.
3. Ping the gateway in your network. A response other than Request timed out
indicates a successful ping.
4. Enable packet trace function on the access point Verify that the Wired Equivalent
Privacy (WEP) key on the client is set up exactly the same on your AP.
What should I get back to my technical support for analysis ?
Following information are helpful to your technical support to troubleshoot your problem,
please get back the answer and associated files to your support:
1. Is this a new or existing installation ?
2. Did it work before ?
3. Have there been any recent changes that might affect the LAN, the client
workstation or the radio environment ?
4. What is the firmware version you are using now ? Do you have uploaded firmware
recently ?
5. Is addresses, networking information and ROMFILE available ? If yes, please send
it (include your password) to your support.