Set the optimal working position of the nozzles in the plantation with the highest culture; for the
lower cultures just close the upper nozzles.
You need for the settings:
measure stick, length: 4 m
measure tape 2 m
scotch tape for marking
a stick for nozzle setting 2 m
Setting the sprayer for the highest threes
the minimum spraying height should be 20 cm, measured from the ground, or set
depending on the culture
the maximum spraying height should be the three height plus 20 cm
Nozzle settings
Divide the spraying heights defined before, with the nozzle number and mark the parts
with the tape on the measure stick.
Direct the nozzles to the marked spots:
Put the stick for the nozzle setting on the nozzle and on the mark on the
measure stick the turn the nozzle parallel to the first stick
Set the nozzles symmetrically on both sides
Turn the sprayer on and check the nozzle direction
Mark the nozzle direction on the sprayer