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[1] Star handler fixation screw.
Hang the microscope on the second arm using this nut.
[2] Balance adjustment screw for second arm.
Rotate the screw with 8mm special spanner to adjust the balance of the
second arm.
[3] Star handler fixation screw.
Use this screw to adjust the vertical moving balance on the second arm.
[4] Fixation nut.
Hang the microscope on the second arm using this nut.
[5] Star handler fixation screw.
Use this screw to adjust the damping of the horizontal movement of the first
[6] Main power socket, fuse socket.
Pull out the power table, right side is fuse socket, fuse specification: T1.25
A/H250 V for 220VAC; T2.5 A/H250 V for 110VAC.
[7] Main Power Switch.
To turn on or turn off the m1ain power of the microscope.
[8] Foot Wheel.
Lock the brakes to fix the microscope in place.
[9] Star handler fixation screw.
Use this screw to adjust the damping of the120º
connecting arm.
[10] Illumination brightness adjusting button.
Rotate this button to adjust the brightness of the illumination. A contact
Fig.5 Interface details