Time 2
Timer 2 can be used to determine how long relay 2 (isolated contact)
shall remain on after the last movement is detected in the coverage
area (short pulse approx. 0.7 seconds, pulse approx. 20 seconds,
pause, timer of approx. min. 3 seconds to approx. max. 30 minutes).
Tilt R
Restricting the right coverage area (for characteristics see Tilt L)
Time 1
Timer 1 can be used to determine how long the light (relay 1) shall
remain on after the last movement is detected in the coverage area
(pulse approx. 0.7 seconds, pulse approx. 20 seconds, pause, approx.
min 3 seconds to approx. max. 30 minutes). Pulse = ON, holiday and
party mode cannot be activated!
Indicating a detection, transfer/receipt of commands or modes of the
motion detector.