Number of banks whose clients can free of charge replenish their balance using bank cards is increasing. For
details and actual list of banks see
Mobile telephony
How to pay
, and “Beeline”
distribution offices.
Payment with cash
In shops, petrol stations, etc.
Tell cashier your router USIM-card’s phone number.
After payment get the check and save it.
Payment in dealer’s offices and bank pay boxes
Obtain and fill in a receipt with your router USIM-card’s phone number and payment amount.
Get the check and save it.
Subscriber service
Restoration of lost USIM-card
You can get a new USIM-card if the previous one is blocked or lost.
Blocking USIM-card’s phone number
You can block USIM-card’s phone number if you lost your USIM-card or have plans not to use the router for
a time.