To Create a New Incline Feature:
Mill Functions
Information Screen
1 Press the incline button to access the incline feature
2 Press 1 to setup a new incline program
3 Select a cut plane using the up and down arrows, then
press OK to confirm
4 If you chose the XY plane:
Use the up and down arrows to select whether tool
compensation will be applied to the right or left, then
press OK to confirm
5 Enter the starting point of the incline for each axis:
Press 1 to sense the current position
Press 2 to enter the position using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
6 Enter the ending point of the incline for each axis:
Press 1 to sense the current position
Press 2 to enter the position using the numpad
Press OK to confirm
7 Enter the maximum cut using the numpad, then press
OK to confirm
8 Press 1 to save the program
Choose one of the 99 program slots to save it in using
the up and down arrows
Press 2 to run the program without saving
1-New 2-Load
Cut Plane
1 XY
Tool Compensation
1 Right
X Start Point
1-Sense 2-Enter
Maximum Cut:
0 in
X End Point
1-Sense 2-Enter
1-Save 2-Run
Save As: 01