Step 4: Left Hand
The Zona Plus™ should now be in your left hand.
Squeeze the Zona Plus™ just enough to display “HOLD” on
the screen. Hold this position while the timer on the Zona
Plus™ display counts down from 120 seconds to 0.
If you are squeezing the correct amount, the
display will tell you to “HOLD”.
If the display does not show “HOLD”, the display
will tell you if you need to “Squeeze More” or
“Squeeze Less”. The number of semicircular lines
tells you how close you are getting to your target
At the end of the 120 second countdown, you will
see “Rest” and then a 60 second “Rest”
countdown will start.
Place the Zona Plus™ in your right hand during
the rest period in preparation for Step 5.
Step 5: Right Hand
You will now repeat Step 3 (the therapy exercise with your right hand).
At the conclusion of the 120 second squeezing therapy, place the Zona Plus™ back into your
left hand during the rest period in preparation for Step 6.
Step 6: Left Hand
You will now repeat Step 4 (the therapy exercise with your left hand).
At the end of the 120 second countdown your score and compliance charts will be displayed.
Your Score and Compliance Charts
• At the end of your session you will be presented with three screens.
1. Session Score 2. Weekly Score
3. Past 12 Weeks
It normally takes some practice to learn how
to keep HOLD on the screen. It should become
easier the more you use the Zona Plus™.
When you see the
“Squeeze Less”
indicator, slowly
your grip
until you see
Remember, you do
not squeeze the
device during the
rest period. Simply
place the device in
your other hand and
wait for the next