© Copyright 2010 Zoeller Co. All rights reserved.
Service Checklist
Electrical precautions. Before servicing a grind er pump, always shut off the main power circuit. Make sure you are wearing
insulated protective sole shoes and not stand ing in water. Under fl ooded conditions, con tact your local electric company or a qualifi ed licensed
electrician for dis con nect ing electrical service to the pump prior to re mov al.
Grinder pumps contain oil which becomes pressurized and hot under operating conditions. Allow 2½ hours after shut down
before servicing pump.
A. Pump will not start or run.
B. Motor overheats and trips on overload.
C. Pump will not shut off.
D. Pump operates but delivers little or no water.
E. Pump starts and stops too often.
F. Large red fl ashing light comes on at control box.
G. Grease and solids accumulate in pit around pump.
Common Causes
Blown panel or circuit breaker fuse, low voltage, thermal overload open, defective capacitor
circuit, cutter or im pel ler clogged, fl oat switch held down or de fec tive, incorrect wiring in
control panel, water in cap assembly, check valve not installed or malfunctioning.
Incorrect voltage, impeller or cutter blocked, negative head (dis charge lower than intake
of pump). Defective “off” fl oat. Pump runs con tin u ous ly at low water level. Low oil level in
motor shell. Pump running at shut-off head, check valve not installed or malfunctioning.
Debris under fl oat assembly, defective switch, in com ing sewage exceeds ca pac i ty of
Intake clogged with grease or sludge, low or in cor rect voltage, clogged dis charge
line, operating near shut-off head.
Check valve stuck open or defective. Sump pit too small to handle incoming sewage.
Level control out of adjustment. Thermal overload tripping.
High water in pit. Check pump for clogging, or overload trip.
Break up solids and run pump with water running into the pit. Allow level to lower to the
pump intake. Continue until solids are cleared from the pit.
Do not drain kitchen grease down the sink.
MAIL TO: P.O. BOX 16347
Louisville, KY 40256-0347
SHIP TO: 3649 Cane Run Road
Louisville, KY 40211-1961
(502) 778-2731 • 1 (800) 928-PUMP
FAX (502) 774-3624
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