p. 28/69
Starting wood gasification hot water boiler of series “Pyrotherm”
Basic requirements:
Any maintenance procedures should be performed in accordance with the
described in this manual;
The hot water boiler of series “Pyrotherm should be charged with fuel by
person, who has read this user manual thoroughly. ATTNETION : the
presence of children around the operating boiler is won allowed;
Any intervention in the working process of the hot water boiler, which could
lead to unit’s failure and/or dangerous and health threatening situations, are
strongly prohibited;
In case that the boiler’s room can be gasified with easy flammable vapors
(for example from organic paints, varnishing, etc.) the boiler should not be
in operation, as this environment is strongly dangerous and could lead to
lethal ambient conditions;
The boiler should be checked by the maintenance staff or any trained
personal regularly;
The end-user should not perform any interventions, repairs, etc. of the unit.
In case that warning and failures arise, check the failures table (applied at
the end of this manual) and call the service support if the case is not
described there;
Any intervention and/or changes of the electrical scheme of the boiler is
strictly forbidden;
Any usage of fuel, which is not approved is strongly forbidden, as this could
lead to uncontrollable combustion process and flue gasses emmisions, as
well as direct boiler’s structure threatening;
Any adjustments/increasing of thermal capacity higher than the nominal
thermal load of the boiler are not allowed;
The positioning of any flammable materials in near vicinity or on top of the
boiler is strongly forbidden – place the material, considering the safety
The ash, deposited in the combustion chamber of the boiler, should be
collected in fireproof containers and cooled down to ambient temperature.
The cooled ash should be disposed in appropriate waste containers. During
ash cleaning the presence of combustible materials in region of 1500mm
around the boiler are not allowed. Please take into account that the mineral