p. 26/69
Wood gasification hot water boiler of series
“Pyrotherm” starting procedures
ATTENTION : The boiler should be installed, adjusted and verified ONLY by
trained and authorized staff.
Basic fuel requirements
The fuel should be only chopped and dried wood logs, described above.
The boiler producer recommends that the fuel should be stored in dry and
well ventilated rooms. The fuel should be protected from moisturizing and
appropriate storage cares should be taken;
It is strongly forbidden to store the fuel in close region of the boiler, the
minimal safety distance between the fuel and the appliance is 500 mm;
The unit producer recommends an optimal distance between the boiler
and the fuel storage site to be at least 1000mm. It is recommended to store
the fuel in room, next to that, where the boiler is installed;
At the installation procedure of the unit, as well as the fuel storage one,
fire prevention recommendation should be considered. It is also
recommended to install a fire-extinguisher in a safe and easy accessible
Basic requirements for exploitation of the hot water boiler, connected
to a heating system
In principle heating systems, which are hydraulically opened to the
atmosphere allow direct contact between the circulating fluid (in most
cases it is water) and the air. During the heating season the water content
in the expansion vessel absorbs oxygen from the atmosphere though the
free surface. The increased oxygen content in the water threatens the
metal of the unit, as well the pipes. Through the free surface of the
expansion vessel water evaporation is observed as well. Considering
these, appropriate water should be added through the expansion vessel –
it must cover the requirements of norm BDS 15207-81. During the
heating season regular checking of circulating water level in the
expansion vessel should be performed by the end user. The water content
in the circulating system should be kept constant. If additional water is
required, then precautions should be taken, not to add air in the heating
system as well. Practical experience shows that water level checkup
should be performed regularly in a period of 14 days in order to sustain
quasi-constant water content. In case that additional water is required,
the filling process should be performed carefully, when the hot water