Care Delivery Solutions
If you view the Interaction Details, tap
to return to the Interaction Warning screen and
make your decision about prescribing the drug.
2. In the Select a Different Drug dialog box, tap
to choose a new drug or
No, Use this One
to select the drug. Proceed to 3.3 Completing the Script.
PocketScript automatically checks for patient drug allergies and if any are detected, displays an
Allergy Warning. Note: Patient allergies are usually entered in the Internet Browser version
Maintenance Pages>Patient Maintenance. You may also add allergy information from your
Pocket PC after you select a patient and tap
on the Choose Drug screen. See 11.0
Modifying Patient Information.
1. To view allergy details, tap
Interaction Details.
If you view the Interaction Details, tap
to return to the Allergy Warning screen and
make your decision about prescribing the drug.
2. In the Select a Different Drug dialog box, tap
to choose a new drug or
No, Use this One
to select the drug. Proceed to 3.3 Completing the Script.
The formulary is a list of drugs covered by a health insurance provider or pharmacy benefit
manager (PBM). When you select a patient with an insurance plan that participates in the e-
prescribing system, you see information about the formulary status of drugs that may help you
find a less costly solution for the patient. The e-prescribing system also identifies generic drugs
that can aid in prescribing for other patients.
Note: Most patients with prescription coverage participate through their PBM in the e-
prescribing real-time eligibility look-up system that automatically checks for up-to-date coverage
and formulary information and displays it on your Pocket PC. The insurance plans of
other covered patients may have provided formulary information to PocketScript that you can
access when prescribing; however, your office staff must select the insurance company manually
when the patient's record is added in
PocketScript's Internet Browser version (see User's Guide and/or online Help for instructions).
Patients with insurance plans that participate in the e-prescribing system
PocketScript indicates formulary medications that are covered by a patient’s insurance plan by
using color codes and arrows in displaying the drug information. See 3.2.8 for color definitions.
The formulary includes both the drug and dosage. A drug may be considered preferred or
accepted at one dosage and require prior authorization at a different dosage.
Note: While the system provides information about the plan’s formulary, the prescriber is free to
select any drug using the system, whether or not it is in the formulary.