Additional items needed to complete
3.3 to 3.5 air or water cooled Nitro engine
.187 Collet and flywheel for engine
Starting belt
.187 18 inch cable w/welded 3/16 stub shaft (Zipp 3486)
Header to fit engine
Tuned pipe
2 channel surface radio with 2 servos
Throttle and rudder pushrods (2-56 Size) with Clevises (Zipp)
2 pushrod seals (Zipp 3404)
8 ounce Fuel Tank (Sullivan SS-8) (Zipp 3473)
.187 strut (Zipp Z21)
.187 drive dog (Zipp 3485)
1450 Mod prop (Zipp 4008)
Prop nuts (Zipp 3489)
Engine Mounts (Solinger 21 recommended, Zipp 3488)
Cable grease
Rudder (Zipp 3483)
12-18 inch length of 1/4 brass tubing