806393 v1.08 09.19 Micro Install Instructions
Boiling water
Tap the red lock icon at the centre of the tap
head, twice. The lock light turns off.
Rotate and hold in the direction of the red
arrow to dispense boiling water. The tap head
springs back when released.
You may continue to dispense boiling water
while the red arrow flashes
(10 seconds).
If the lock icon flashes, it has
not been properly disabled.
Try again.
Boiling continuous flow
Tap the red lock icon twice. The
lock light turns off.
Rotate to the second stop; it
remains in position.
Boiling water flows for 10
seconds. Manually return the tap
head to the neutral position.
Chilled continuous flow
Rotate tap head to the second
stop; it remains in position.
Chilled water flows for 10
seconds. Manually return the
tap head to the neutral position.
Chilled water (Micro BC)
Rotate and hold in the direction
of the blue arrow to dispense
chilled water. The tap head
springs back to the neutral
position, when released.
Service Light
For details, see Troubleshooting.
Tap operation