Page 6 of 28 802006UK BCS Residential User Guide - Aug 2015- V2.01
Tap operation
Arc / Cube functionality
On powerup, wait
30secs. for the
unit to calibrate
before selecting
either the red
illuminated boiling
with safety, or
blue illuminated
chilled water or
white illuminated
chilled sparkling
water mode,
by touching the
select button.
The Arc / Cube
control may
be rotated in a
forward or reverse
direction to
dispense boiling,
chilled or chilled
sparkling water.
The rotary control
is spring loaded
in the forward
direction and
when released,
will return to the
off position.
When rotated in the
reverse direction the tap operates in a POT FILL mode. Water will flow from
between 5 and 15 seconds (This is user adjustable, see page 25). To reset,
return the control to the off position and repeat the step. The control has to be
manually returned to the off position.
To dispense boiling water, with safety lock on and with safety lock off, see
page 4.
To dispense chilled water see page 5.
To dispense chilled sparkling water see page 7.
When unattended, the control light will automatically default to the
chilled (blue illuminated) mode after a short period.
Rotary control
Select button
Safety button