, Test- and Connection boards
4. Self-update of the MXULF or MXULFA
The new software for the MXULF as .zip-file is downloaded from
under “Update & Sound” -
“Update - Decoder update device MXULF”. This .zip-file has to be unzipped (by double clicking it in Win-
dows Explorer) or it is unzipped directly in the browser. This results in showing the actual update file
(more specifically the two files MXULF.ulf and MXULF.bin; earlier only one file MXULF.bin).
The update files (.ulf and .bin) are saved into the root directory of a flash drive. You can use the flash
drive provided by ZIMO, but also (almost) every other flash drive. There must not be other .ulf or .bin
files than the current update files in the root directory (however, sound projects and decoder update files
are no problem).
The actual self-updating process:
Preparation: Disconnect all connections from the MXULF (power, track, USB, SUSI, flash drive, ...)
Connect to power, i.e. 12 - 20 V DC (power supply unit or rail current from digital command station)
Plug in the prepared flash drive. If update files .ulf and .bin are available on the flash drive: LED 3 flashes
Display of the MXULFA
Start the self-update with
Key 3
(press and hold)
Loading the update takes a few sec .…
LED 3 lights up green: Update is complete
Confirmation with
Key 3
restarts the MXULF (alternative: power-off and restart by power-on).
if software in MXULF is damaged: first, plug in flash drive, then power, update starts im-
mediately (if the MXULF’s bootloader identifies damaged software).
It also helps to format the flash drive. If possible, do not save other data in the flash drive’s root directory.
5. Decoder software update
Via flash drive
The loco with the installed decoder is placed on the “update track” connected to the MXULF (output
“Schiene” - track), or the decoder itself is connected to it with its track outputs - red and black wire.
In case, the MXULF is not able to reprogram CVs for any reason (note shown on display, e.g. decoder
without consumer, and therefore no acknowledgement of the programming), it is possible to reprogram
the decoder manually before the update with every digital system, by setting CV #144 = 0 and CV #29,
bit 2 = 0.
The updating process (Starting point for description: MXULF disconnected):
y (“Power”)
is connected:
Voltage sufficient
LED (Power) green
Display of the MXULFA
Display of the software version loaded into the MXULF
VIN=18 Vout=11,8
(of the MXULF itself, this has nothing to do with the decoder software);
as well as the supply voltage (planned) and the internally regulated
output voltage (if possible, about 12 V). NOTE: these
readings are performed with a completely load-free track output.
Flash drive
is connected:
no usable files on the flash drive (root): LED 1, LED 2, and LED 3 remain dark,
decoder SW container files
LED 1 turns yellow
, LED 2 remains dark
decoder sound projects
LED 1 remains dark,
LED 2 turns yellow
container file and sound project found
LEDs 1 and 2 turn yellow
software for the MXULF’s self update found
flashes green-yellow-red
Display of the MXULFA
SW 121022.ZSU
Display of names of the decoder SW container file (.zsu) (and sound
projects (.zpp) identified on the flash drive.
It is recommended to save only a single decoder update container file on the flash drive (i.e. in its root
In case the flash drive was already plugged in when connecting the MXULF to power, first the voltages
are displayed (top of the display), 5 seconds later the files are displayed.
MX Decoder
is connected:
as soon as decoder is identified
LED (track) turns yellow
The MXULF does not recognize, if it is a decoder, it only reacts to power consumption.
button 1
to start the update. The MXULFA display shows the progress of the update and the decoder
type. LED 1 flashes green. The process is completed by showing “UPDATE OK CV 29 & 144 OK”. LED 1
remains green.
To return to main display: press
Key 1
. After a few seconds, the MXULF is ready for a new update. Unplug
the flash drive if this is not wanted.
In case of more than one update file on the flash drive, only the first file is shown in the list. To select one of
the other files, open the MXULFA’s menu by pressing the
(3 sec) and
select “UPDATE & SOUND”
using the scrolling wheel. The list of update and sound files appears. Select the appropriate file with the
scrolling wheel and start the update by pressing the
. The following procedure is described above.
MS Decoder
is connected:
as soon as decoder is identified
LED (track) turns yellow
- MS decoders with software higher than 4.08:
By pressing
Key 1
on the MXULF, the software update is started with the container file “MS_4.xx.zsu”.
The MXULFA display shows the progress of the update and the decoder type. The process is complet-
ed with the notification “OK 1 (1) ready -> R”. LED 1 remains yellow.
To return to main display: Press the
. After a few seconds, the MXULF is ready for another up-
date. Unplug the flash drive if this is not wanted.
the term “MXULF” is used as general term for both versions:
Due to the constant development of the software of the MXULF, there are slight differences between
instruction manual and actual behavior of the MXULF; especially the display pictures show previews
of planned software versions.
NOTE: during the update and sound loading processes, the MXULF deactivates update locks within
the decoder automatically (by programming CV #144 = 0) and turns off analog operation (CV #29, bit
2 = 0). After the update, the MXULF tries to reset the CVs to their original values.
NOTE: the MXULF CANNOT determine, if the supply voltage is high enough or too high. Therefore,
every supply voltage is regulated down to 12 V, so the connected decoder is not damaged (in case
of identified large-scale decoders to 16 V if enough supply voltage is provided).