Notes and handling regulations for electrostatically sensitive components
Electrostatically sensitive components are individual components, integrated circuits or assemblies that can be
damaged by electrostatic fields or electrostatic discharge.
When handling electrostatic components, make sure that persons, the work area and packaging are all fully
Touch electronic components only in appropriately identified areas with conductive flooring and only if:
• You are grounded by means of special bracelets.
• You wear shoes that are suitable and approved for the discharge of electrostatic charges.
Do not bring electronic assemblies into contact with plastics and parts of clothing that have plastic content.
Store electronic assemblies on conductive underlays only.
Do not install electronic assemblies in the vicinity of data back-up devices or monitors (monitor distance >
100 mm).
Perform measurements on electronic assemblies only if:
• The measuring instrument is grounded (e.g. via a ground conductor).
The measuring head is momentarily discharged before measuring with a floating measuring instrument.
Risk of injury caused by suspended loads
Improper handling of suspended loads can cause serious injury.
Always keep an adequate safety distance from suspended loads.
Never walk underneath a suspended load.
DDOC00192 / f
EN / 2022-07-20
Zimmer GmbH • Im Salmenkopf 5 •
77866 Rheinau, Germany •
+49 7844 9138 0 • www.zimmer-group.com