8 / 16, 4 / 16 Mode / NumDel
Decimal point on Numeric part of keyboard allows us to switch between 3 different step count lengths for Factory Sequencer. When
APT RX-207 (or any other APT Series Instrument) is executed, there are 16 steps in one sequence. This is 16 Step Mode.
If NumDec is pressed once, Factory Sequencer will go into 8 steps length. That means, once 8th step is read, it will go to step one
repeatedly. You can toggle these two modes (8 steps or 16 steps) with a press of a NumDec. There are now two options to go to other
modes. Without Ctrl, sequencer will go to 16 Step Mode.
If Ctrl is held while NumDec is hit, Factory Sequencer will go to 4 steps Mode. Now sequence will start over from step one, once step
4 is read. This mode can be useful for Techno, House, or similar styles of music. While in 4 Step Mode, there are also two ways to exit to
other modes. With Ctrl + NumDec, sequencer exits to 16 Step Mode. If you entered 4 Step Mode from 8 Step Mode, hitting NumDec
will go back to 8 Step Mode.
16 Step Mode
8 Step Mode
4 Step Mode
Ctrl + NumDec
Tempo calculations in APT Series Instruments are exact and true, but when not synced to
other gear, tempo can fluctuate under much pressure (depending on computer and cur-
rent work) and machines can go out of Sync after time. This has also been observed with
other manufacturers. Use Midi Sync or Retriger to get in sync with othet gear.
Please acknowledge, APT Series Instruments work in real time with great focus on instant change, Factory Sequencer won’t wait until
the end of sequence to apply change to 4 / 8 / 16 Mode. So if one is not careful, switching modes can break music flow. Unless if de-
sired. Possibly not, effect when changing too early is not too nice. Keep an eye on Sequence Indicator, maybe do a count and everything
should be fine.
Tempo (BPM)
In music, general measure for speed of music is BPM (Beats per Minute). This translates to how many times the 4/4 sound is heard in
a minute. Hip Hop works from 70 - 100, Techno from 120 - 150, Drum’n’Bass works best from 140 and higher... But these tempos are
not to be taken as hard concrete in your work. Quite the opposite. Many times you can get interesting results with experimenting.
Initial BPM in APT Series Instruments are standard 120 BPM and values are jumping 5 BPMs at once. Their range is from 30 BPM to
215 BPM. This Should be good for any style of music. *Tempo is also saved to User Patterns.
You control speed with NumAdd and NumSub keys (n, -). The corespondent value is shown on Display most of the time (xxx.
BPM), except when in sub menu modes. *Same keys with Ctrl down also control general Volume of APT Series Instruments.
Volume Control Master (x.VOL)
In APT Series Instruments highest Volume is 0dB* and lowest is -40dB. You can change volume in jumps of 3dB (0, -3, -6...). But total
output of combined instruments can and will exceed 0dB, which can cause “clip” of loudest frequencies if not routed trough limiter
(e.g. recording software is used on a same machine as any of the instruments.). Although clip is often not audible, it is maybe best to
avoid if not desired (In Hip Hop, Techno and other modern styles of music, clip is often desired if not essential. Most typical instru-
ment that takes advantage of this phenomenon is electric guitar wired trough distortion effect.).
Use Ctrl + NumSub (-) to lower total Volume of instrument, of Use Ctrl + NumAdd (+) to gain Volume.
*ARP Instrument and Fill Sequences have max volume of -3dB, since they are usually a bit longer in means of sustain and could over-
come other groups of instruments. Of course this is mostly dependent on how one prepares his sounds to be used.
Volume Control of Individual Groups (x.BDR / x.SDR / x.HAT / x.SMP)
In addition to Master volume control (VOL), you can change loudnes of individual groups of sounds* while holding Mute/Kill keys
on numeric part of keyboard and pressing plus or minus key. Here are combinations:
Num7 +NumSub / NumAdd = change volume of Bass Drums
Num8 +NumSub / NumAdd = change volume of Snare Drums
Num9 +NumSub / NumAdd = change volume of Hats
Num5 +NumSub / NumAdd = change volume of Arp / Samples
When Master volume is changed, individual volumes will follow. So if Master volume is -3,
groups will jump to -3, so you will have to change them again if desired. Both, Master Vol
and Individual Grous Volumes will not work while in turntable mode.
Ziebane Instruments APT Series Operation Manual
© Ziebane 2011
Detailed Overview
APT Series RX-207 Realtime Remixer
note 1.1
note 1.1
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