TIPS for beST PerforManCe
Many drivers are accustomed to keeping revs low in their petrol vehicles in order to maximise
efficiency, since petrol engines are very inefficient at high revs. Well, electric drive systems are the
other way around! The single most effective way to maximise performance from your motor and
controller is to keep your motor revs high – around 3000-4000rpm with most Series DC motors.
For a given power output, driving a motor at higher speed uses more voltage but less current,
which reduces copper losses in the motor and resistive heating in the controller. Dropping down
a gear reduces motor amps by about 30%, which can actually halve the heat generated in your
controller – and hence double the continuous power capability. (Caution: Most Series DC motors
are rated to 5000rpm max so be careful not to exceed this speed!)
TherMal ProTeCTIon
If your controller heatsink temperature reaches about 70˚C (150˚F), the controller will commence
thermal cutback, smoothly reducing power to mitigate further heating. The status LED will flash
green/red while in this state. If the controller temperature reaches 90˚C (200˚F), the controller will
shut down completely to avoid overheating which could damage components.
The controller’s power rating depends somewhat on airflow to cool the housing. If you are
experiencing thermal cutbacks, it may be useful to add fans or ducts to increase airflow. Driving
more slowly and keeping motor revs high will also help keep the motor controller cooler. If
thermal problems persist, it may be useful to add a water cooling system or external heatsink,
which can be mated to the base of the controller (with thermal paste in between).
12v logIC SuPPly
The MC1000SP has an internal regulated power supply on its 12V input which allows it to operate
safely and correctly over an input voltage range of 8-18VDC. As a safety precaution, the controller
will shut down if it detects the control voltage input dip below 8V.
In most installations this will never happen, but if your 12V battery and/or DC/DC converter is very
weak, the voltage may dip when loads such as headlights are turned on, which can trip out the
motor controller. This should be rectified by by fitting a stronger battery and/or DC/DC converter.
MoTor IdlIng funCTIonalITy
The MC1000SP includes a basic motor idle functionality, based on a low target speed with low
torque limit. It does not use an RPM sensor for speed feedback, so the speed may vary depending on
load. However it is a simple and effective solution for EV conversions with automatic transmissions
(which require the motor to keep turning to maintain oil circulation in the gearbox), or for vehicles
using OEM power steering pumps, air-conditioning compressors, alternators, etc.
The idle speed and torque are configured via serial programming. Voltage effectively controls
target motor speed and current controls the torque it will use to get there. Ideal values will depend
on your motor and vehicle, but a good starting point is 6V idle voltage and 100A idle current.
Caution: Electric motors can suffer damage if they remain stalled with current
flowing for extended periods of time. Idle functionality is NOT recommended for
“direct drive” vehicles, and in the case of vehicles with manual transmissions, be
sure to put the clutch in when coming to a stop.
InTernal CaPaCITor WarnIng
Motor controllers have a large bank of capacitors on their input, which can retain its charge for a
long time after the controller is powered off. Exercise caution if undertaking vehicle maintenance
soon after driving, as there may be significant voltage across the controller’s input power terminals,
even if your main contactor is open. Always measure the voltage across the controller with a
multimeter before performing any maintenance.
led STaTuS and error CodeS
The MC1000SP has an RGB status LED on its front panel, and the option for a remote status LED
wired to your vehicle’s dash. This LED can provide visual feedback on the controller’s operating
status. The following table summarises the codes you may encounter (multiple dots representing
a flash sequence):
led Code
Controller on
(No errors)
Thermal cutback
Controller temperature above 60˚C. Power reduces
slowly towards thermal shutdown threshold.
Thermal shutdown
Controller temperature above 90˚C. Thermal
shutdown until temperature reduces.
Battery voltage low
Voltage at power terminals below minimum setting.
Power stage disabled until voltage increases.
Supply voltage low
Supply voltage below 8VDC. Latches on for safety.
Fix 12V supply then power cycle controller.
Throttle error
Invalid voltage or level mismatch on throttle. Error
latches on for safety until zero throttle is detected.
High pedal lockout
Non-zero throttle detected at startup. May indicate
foot on pedal, or a faulty throttle device.
Corrupt settings
Fault in the internal memory. Will automatically
revert to default settings on next startup.*
Desat error
Hardware overcurrent fault. May indicate damage to
internal power devices or short circuit in motor.*