English - 21
IB v3.0.0 2021
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4 sec
Blinks Red; 1 second and Blue; 1 second
Firmware Update In Progress
Constant Green
4 sec
Factory Reset
Blinks Red; 300 ms and Green 300 ms
The Residual Current Circuit Breakers (RCCB) are the safest device to detect and trip against
electrical leakage currents, thus ensuring protection against electric shock caused by indirect
An ideal circuit is that currents flows through the circuit via the live wire should be the same as
the returning current via the neutral wire.
However, when an earth fault happens, current enters the earth wire by accident such as ac-
cidental contact with open wire. As a result, the current returning through then neutral wire is
reduced. The difference in current between the live and neutral wire is called residual current.
RCCB is designed such way that it continuously senses the residual current or the difference in
current values between the live and neutral wires. Therefore, unless the residual current does not
surpass the limit, the RCCB will disconnect the circuit.
RCCB reclosure unit is an option to re-adjust the RCCB to be able to set as ON position. RCCB
reclosure unit sets RCCB 5 times mechanically and if RCCB gets OFF position again, than remains
in OFF position and station passes to error mode. This function provides close support for unnec-
essary service calls for sudden RCCB disconnections because of temporary EV behaviours. The
yellow switch in RCCB Reclosure Unit should be at “ON” position to use this functionality.