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5) Periodic
a. Check the indicators on the filters
b. Clean the hydraulic disconnects
c. Calibrate the load display system as per The Users Guide for the DP25B-
S Load meter using a known load of 600 lbs as per section 4.3.1 page 24.
6) Recommended Spare Parts List
a. Desiccant filler cap
Air Sentry
b. Low Pressure filter element P16-5332
c. High Pressure filter element HEK85-20.203-AS-FG006-LC-B
d. Upper
e. Lower
7) Trouble Shooting
a. If hoist controls do not operate the hoist, check to insure the hoist select
switch is properly positioned.
b. If hoist fails to lower, check the full out limit switches
c. If hoist fails to raise check the full in limit switches
d. If the BL-27100 comes to full out and stops abruptly, check the
emergency full out limit switch is not activating before or at the same time
as the full out limit switch.