099-F R-CUTOFF Y PrPb: Red cutoff control is
used to adjust cut-off voltage at the cathode.
Range: 0-255d.
100-F G-CUTOFF Y PrPb: Green cutoff control is
used to adjust cut-off voltage at the cathode.
Range: 0-255d.
101-F B-CUTOFF Y PrPb: Blue cutoff control is
used to adjust cut-off voltage at the cathode.Range:
102-F OSD CONT Y PrPb: OSD amplitude can be
controlled by OSD contrast with a range of 12dB.
Default value is 7d.
103-F AC BLK LEV Y PrPb: Black level for AC
coupling with 3bit DAC. Default value is 0.
104-F BRI Y PrPb: Default value is 0 (internal
brightness control with grey scale tracking).
105-F DEPTH PB YUV: Produces an ultra black level
during blanking and output clamping which is the
most negative signal at the signal output pins.
Default value is 1.
106-F DISV Y PrPb: RGB Video signal on/off. De-
fault value is 0 (enabled).
107-F FPOL Y PrPb: Default value is 0 (Negative
feedback polarity selected, No external DAC volt-
age outputs.
108-F LTILEV_YPRPB: Luminance signal edge en-
hancement setting for Component video input. Range:
0-3, 0 = OFF, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium (default), 3 =
109-F LTIMODE_YPRPB: Luminance transient improve-
ment for component video input. Default value in 1.
110-F LTILEV_YC: Luminance signal edge enhance-
ment setting for S-Video inputs. Range: 0-3, 0 =
OFF, 1 = Low, 2 = Medium (default value), 3 =
111-F LTIMODE_YC: Luminance transient improve-
ment for S-Video inputs. Default value in 1 Y Pr
Pb: IC CXA2150
112-F CTILEV_RF: Chrominance transient improve-
ment for RF input. Default value is 3.
113-F CTIMODE_RF: Chrominance transient mode for
RF input. Default value is 1 NTSC: VSP9405.
114-F LTILEV_RF: Luminance signal edge enhance-
ment setting for RF input. Range: 0-3, 0 = OFF, 1
= Low, 2 = Medium, 3 = High.
115-F LTIMODE_RF: Luminance transient improve-
ment for RF input. Default value in 1.
116-F SYSTEM_RF: Signal frequency band switch-
ing; select the band in accordance with the TV
System. Range: 0- 3, 0 = NORMAL, 1 = FF, 2 = HD,
3 = FIX-HD (setting which gives greater impor-
tance to frequency response than 2).
117-F YCDELM_RF: The between Y and C is well
aligned and can also be adjusted in steps of 50 ns
for RF input. Default value is 31.
118-F PKCTIBPM_RF: Band pass Peaking factor for
CTI of RF input. Default value is 1.
119-F PKCTIHPM_RF: High pass Peaking factor for
CTI of RF input. Default value is 1.