background image






This accessory is special suitable for processing dip, sauce, soup, mayonnaise, baby or aged people food 

and mixed drinks, milk shake, etc.
- Connect the rod to the body of the motor and turn it in the direction indicated by the arrow (Fig. 1)
Cutting the food into cubic block that no more than 15 mm, then put them into beaker and add some cold 

boiled water, or drinking water, milk, water, etc. (Fig. 2)
Add food and water into beaker - plug the power cord into power socket Put the blending blade into beaker 

(Fig. 3)
The product will continue to work by pressing on high or low speed button. In order to blend the food well 

and quickly, please use your one hand to hold the beaker, the other hand to hold the main unit to do up and 

down reciprocating movement. If you want to stop this product, just release pressure on the speed button. 

(Fig. 4)
Pull the plug out of the power socket after working.
Attention: In order to ensure the sealing effect of blending blade, please do not allow the blending blade to 

work without immersing into liquids.


You should unplug the power cord plug before cleaning. Do not touch the sharp blade.
Please use dry dishcloth to wipe the product body. And it is strictly prohibited to let the main unit rinse with 

water or immerse to the water.
Please do not use metal brush, nylon brush, household cleanser, diluent and other similar cleaning sup- 

plies to clean this product, as they may damage the product surface structure.
Please use soft dry cloth to wipe the dirt on the power cord
The cleaning requirements of each functional accessories 


& Cleaning







Blending blade Yes



Yes at updown 

position only

Do not 


into water.


only at 

up down







Table of recipes





Soaked carrot: 240g - 

Water: 360g 




Содержание ZHB4640

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Страница 52: ...05 2022 WWW ZELMER COM SERIES ZHB MOD ZHB4640 220 240V 50 60Hz 1000W Typ HB1903BS Made in China B B TRENDS S L C Catalu a 24 P I Ca N Oller 08130 Santa Perp tua de Mogoda Barcelona Spain...
