background image



The juice is too dense or too watery:

1.  Make sure the rubber plug 


 is properly installed

2.  Make sure that the juice is made with fresh ingredients.

Juice Maker stopped working:

1.  Make  sure  you  have  not  loaded  too  many  ingredients 

and ingredients do not have too many hard seeds. 


the  „REV”  function  for  2-3  seconds,  and  then  to 

rocker switch back to „ON”.

2.  If the problem persists, take the appliance apart, clean 

and re-assemble.

3.  Juice Maker may have turned off because it was used for 

more than 20 minutes. 

How to make healthy, delicious juice?


Fruits and vegetables for making juice should be fresh 

and thoroughly washed. Vegetables should be cleaned 

from  sand  and  soil  under  running  water  and  peeled. 

Publications  on  juice-making  recommend  soaking 

vegetables for 5 minutes in water with salt and citric acid. 

Vegetables  prepared  in  this  way  do  not  darken  during 

chopping and produce natural colour juice.


Wash berries just before use, as they quickly lose their 



The  choice  of  fruits  and  vegetables  depends  on  the 

time  of  year,  your  personal  preferences  and  health 

recommendations.  The  nutritional  value  of  juices 

from fruits and vegetables is affected by how they are 



Juices should be made from juicy fruits and vegetable 

species that are ripe, fresh, because they have the most 

juice with excellent taste and aroma.


The  following  vegetables  are  most  suitable  for 

beverages: tomatoes, carrots, celery, beetroots, parsley, 

onions, cabbage, cucumbers, black turnip, rhubarb, etc. 

For  dietary  reasons  and  for  great  culinary  experience 

you can make juice from lettuce, spinach, leek and even 

fresh herbs or cooked soybean.


Vegetables  such  as  radishes,  chives,  parsley  leaves, 

dill,  watercress  should  be  added  to  beverages  finely 



You can make juice from almost all the species of fruits.


Apples, peaches, apricots and plums should be scalded 

in boiling water in a colander.


Remove pits from fruits because they could damage the 



Squeezing  juice  from  plums,  blueberries,  raspberries, 

soft  pears  and  apples  and  other  fruits  may  be 

troublesome. The pulp of these fruits forms spongy mass 

that clogs the strainer holes. You can make juice from 

these fruits by adding them in small quantities to other 

fruits or vegetables but you may need clean the strainer 

more often.


Root vegetables and hard fruits should be cut into pieces 

that  will  fit  into  hopper.  Apples  should  be  cut  up  into 

pieces (if they do not fit into the hopper without cutting) - 

there is no need to peel them or remove the cores.


The  nutritional  value  of  raw  juice  is  similar  to  the 

nutritional value of the original food products - thanks to 

a unique juice squeezing method, the prepared beverage 

contains fibre, enzymes, minerals and vitamin C.


Juice  beverages  are  recommended  especially  for 

children and the elderly.


It  is  advisable  to  consume  vegetable  juices  with  a  sip 

of  water,  as  they  are  very  strong.  If  the  juices  are  not 

thinned  down,  the  daily  intake  should  not  exceed  half 


a glass.


Juice may not be stored for later consumption.


You  can  add  aromatic  spices  such  as  pepper,  fennel, 

cumin, nutmeg, thyme, marjoram to vegetable beverages 

and vanilla, cinnamon and cloves to fruit juices. To get the 

full  flavour  of  spices,  grind  them  to  fine  powder  before 

adding to drink. Use spices in small quantities to preserve 

the natural taste and flavour of the product from which the 

beverage is prepared. Due to their low nutritional value, 

beverages  made  from  fruit  and  vegetable  juices  are 

highly recommended for those on a diet.


Fruit and vegetable beverages should be served at room 

temperature or chilled with ice cubes.

Fresh juice for good for health

Carrot juice

It  speeds  up  the  metabolism,  as  it  contains 


a  whole  range  of  trace  elements  and  vitamins 

necessary  for  proper  functioning  of  the  human 

body.  Vitamin A  is  produced  from  carotene  and 

improves eyesight.

The ingredients of this juice neutralise the harmful effects of 

nicotine, restores skin’s natural healthy colour. Half a glass of 

carrot juice and half a glass of milk a day are recommended 

for young children. Carrot juice with addition of apple juice is 

recommended as an energising drink for the elderly.

Tomato juice

Ripe  and  fresh  tomatoes  provide  excellent 

quality juice. You can mix tomato juice with 

all other vegetable juices. It contains a lot of 

vitamin A and C. Two glasses of juice cover 

the  daily  requirement  of  vitamin  C.  You  can  improves  the 

taste of tomato juice by seasoning it with salt and pepper.

Beetroot juice

Beetroot  juice  combined  with  orange  juice  is 


a great tasting drink. This juice in its pure form 

can be consumed only when recommended by 

a doctor.

Cabbage juice

It  may  used  to  treat  stomach  ulcers,  but 

only when recommended by a doctor. When 

mixed  with  carrot  juice,  it  is  suitable  for 

drinking  by  people  who  have  a  sensitive 


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Страница 43: ...juice It s also an amazingly designed appliance smart device that will become the pride of your kitchen An additional advantage is the ease of cleaning once finished pour a glass of water and most of...

Страница 44: ...old use only TIP Product information and directions for use The appliance is intended for domestic use Warranty conditions change when appliance is used for catering Do not remove the lid with hopper...

Страница 45: ...1 Turn off the appliance on by placing the rocker switch 1a in OFF position 2 Unplug power cord from wall outlet 3 Plug the juice spout 2e using the plug 2g before removing the pitcher from under the...

Страница 46: ...etables and hard fruits should be cut into pieces that will fit into hopper Apples should be cut up into pieces if they do not fit into the hopper without cutting there is no need to peel them or remo...

Страница 47: ...ilitates digestion due to its high pectin content Fresh apple juice is used against gout and arthritis Overall it is an excellent nutritional supplement Blackberry juice Blackberry juice with a small...

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