HDMI5 Component Video Switch
HDMI5 Component Video Switch
Response String:
n = Current power status.
Output Mapping
Maps the HDMI5’s output to a selected input.
Set output to input ‘in’.
O +
Sequence through inputs.
O ?
Query for current setting.
Query for current setting.
Response String:
in = Current input being mapped to the HDMI5’s output.
Front Panel Light Intensities
Set the dim and bright levels of the front panel LEDs. Some examples:
Set the MODE, DIM and BRIGHT levels.
Set the MODE, DIM and BRIGHT levels, backup settings.
LI ,
Set only the DIM level.
LI ,,
Set only the BRIGHT level.
LI ?
Query for current settings.
Query for current settings.
Response String:
mode = Current MODE setting.
= Current DIM level setting.
bright = Current BRIGHT level settings.
Where ‘mode’ settings are:
0 = Turn off front panel lights.
1 = Front panel lights are always at DIM level.
2 = Front panel lights are always at BRIGHT level.
3 = Front panel lights AUTODIM after 4 seconds.
The DIM and BRIGHT intensities range from 0=Off, to 106=Maximum brightness. You cannot set
the DIM level to be higher than or equal to the BRIGHT setting. Any attempt to do so will return
an ‘out of range’ error.
Save Power On Default Settings
Saves the current HDMI5 settings as the power on default settings.
S $
Save current settings.
S 246,$
Restore all settings to their factory defaults.
There is no Response String for this command.
Note: Any value given, other than ‘246’, will generate a range error.
Query Last IR Code Received
This command allows the controller to read the hash values returned by Zektor’s IIR™ (Intel-
ligent Infra-Red) decoding firmware. Zektor’s IIR™ algorithm converts all IR codes it receives to
a compressed, 72 bit value.
Each different key press of a remote control will generate a different but repeatable pattern.
This command returns a value for every IR code detected by the front panel IR sensor (or IR
jack if enabled), regardless as to whether the IR code detected was used to control the HDMI5.
The uses for this command are two fold:
1) The value returned from this command are the same values used to teach the HDMI5 new IR
codes over the serial port. (See the “
Set Learnable IR Command Codes
” command).
2) This command gives the controller full access to the HDMI5’s IR sensor and Zektor’s IIR™
algorithm. This is a very reliable way of adding IR control to any project. The IR codes generated
by Zektor’s IIR™ algorithm are immune to timing differences between universal remote control
manufacturers and to the timing errors associated with condition of the remote control’s battery.
Note 1: The Zektor’s IIR™ algorithm works with any remote control code that is time modulated.
This is pretty much every type of IR code except the Phillips RC-5, and RC-6 codes.
Note 2: Because very few controllers could handle a 72 bit decimal value, and in an effort to
HDMI5 Command Ref.
HDMI5 Command Ref.