Technical Maintenance
Check at regular intervals the condition and
serviceability of the gas connection hose and
pressure regulator, if any is fitted; in case of
malfunction, do not repair but replace the whole
faulty part.
To ensure a smooth and safe operation, it is
necessary to periodically grease the gas taps.
Act as follows:
1) Carry out steps 1 to 4 as explained in "Removal
of Hob Top" (see top of page).
2) Remove screws 1 and 2 (see diagram)
3) Remove the gas tap shaft and flange.
4) Slide out the Venturi tube, clean it thoroughly
and then apply a thin layer of grease of a non-
soluble to hydrocarbons type and suitable for
gas taps.
5) Make sure that no axcess grease abstructs the
gas tap holes.
6) Refit everything very carefully following this pro-
cedure in reverse order.
FO 1042